Wednesday, 9 January 2013

The Body Of A Woman

I am saying hi to 2013 and also to you all. How many of you didn’t make it to this year, show by hands. How many of you never expected to travel this far, show by soles. And how many of you are ready to handle 2013,show by ‘vim’. Infact, I never expected to come this far myself, like I always say, my age now was very old for me when I was in my teens and 2013 looked like forever to me. Since I am here, I am going to bask and make the best out of it. Have a good 2013 and let’s all get what we want by the end of the year. Those who made their resolutions public on facebook and twitter, I will be watching you
I have always appreciated nudity, ‘female nudity’. I don’t know if that is the appropriate way of saying it but…. I guess you all know what I am trying to put across. My vocabulary is very limited. Anyway, I have always appreciated it more when a good-looking female with a perfect body is nude. And I know that when I say ‘perfect body’, you guys will start looking at the slim/slender girls, yes, the model type of girls. Your minds have been ‘westernized’ so I wont judge you, and please don’t judge me too with this post. Plump/fat people have attractive bodies too and in my part of the world, when you are slim, you are said to be poor but a ‘fat’ person is always considered to be living a good life plus more.
I have always loved studying the female body so in the early 2000s when I had my freedom, I used to go to the beaches and swimming pools a lot. I go there to swim but most of all to study/watch all those ladies there sporting assorted bikinis. Most of the time, I am not disappointed at all. God is the best artist in the whole universe and I am wondering how long it took Him to make woman. I am sure he spent time on that because He didn’t go wrong at all. Woman is a perfect piece of art and I think nothing beats this art piece. There have been several times where I had hidden somewhere in the house to look at the naked body of my woman, I am always studying how her breasts wiggle when she walk around the room naked and how her ass shakes as she takes her steps. There is a reason why I haven’t bothered to fix another bathroom door after I took the last one out. The last one had no problem but I still took it out. Yes, there is a reason. My wish is to become and ‘nude’ photographer one day because I have all of these crazy shots in my head and please, I took that picture you are seeing on this page, I took it a long time ago.
I like seeing our women in kaba and all that but sometimes it hinders. Kaba is always loose on the body so I find it hard to study their curves and all. Anyway, until then, I will still go to the beaches and swimming pool and keep on studying the body of my woman when she is taking her bath in my door-less bathroom.
Have a good 2013

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Mexican Fisherman Meets Harvard MBA

I took this from Mr. Herbert Mensah's page on facebook:

Mexican Fisherman Meets Harvard MBA 
What Really Matters in Life? (Oldie)

A vacationing American businessman standing on the pier of a quaint coastal fishing village in southern Mexico watched as a small boat with just one young Mexican fisherman pulled into the dock. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. Enjoying the warmth of the early afternoon sun, the American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish.

"How long did it take you to catch them?" the American casually asked.

"Oh, a few hours," the Mexican fisherman replied.

"Why don't you stay out longer and catch more fish?" the American businessman then asked.

The Mexican warmly replied, "With this I have more than enough to support my family's needs."

The businessman then became serious, "But what do you do with the rest of your time?"

Responding with a smile, the Mexican fisherman answered, "I sleep late, play with my children, watch ballgames, and take siesta with my wife. Sometimes in the evenings I take a stroll into the village to see my friends, play the guitar, sing a few songs..."

The American businessman impatiently interrupted, "Look, I have an MBA from Harvard, and I can help you to be more profitable. You can start by fishing several hours longer every day. You can then sell the extra fish you catch. With the extra money, you can buy a bigger boat. With the additional income that larger boat will bring, before long you can buy a second boat, then a third one, and so on, until you have an entire fleet of fishing boats."

Proud of his own sharp thinking, he excitedly elaborated a grand scheme which could bring even bigger profits, "Then, instead of selling your catch to a middleman you'll be able to sell your fish directly to the processor, or even open your own cannery. Eventually, you could control the product, processing and distribution. You could leave this tiny coastal village and move to Mexico City, or possibly even Los Angeles or New York City, where you could even further expand your enterprise."

Having never thought of such things, the Mexican fisherman asked, "But how long will all this take?"

After a rapid mental calculation, the Harvard MBA pronounced, "Probably about 15-20 years, maybe less if you work really hard."

"And then what, seƱor?" asked the fisherman.

"Why, that's the best part!" answered the businessman with a laugh. "When the time is right, you would sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions."

"Millions? Really? What would I do with it all?" asked the young fisherman in disbelief.

The businessman boasted, "Then you could happily retire with all the money you've made. You could move to a quaint coastal fishing village where you could sleep late, play with your grandchildren, watch ballgames, and take siesta with your wife. You could stroll to the village in the evenings where you could play the guitar and sing with your friends all you want."

The moral of the story is: Know what really matters in life, and you may find that it is already much closer than you think.