It has been a week now since our former president passed, it
was exactly at 2:15pm at the 37 Military Hospital in Ghana. Today, at that
exact time, a minute will be dedicated to him and I hope people respect and
recognize it. You might read this post after that period anyway. I have not
posted in a while, well, a couple of days and I wonder why. I started this
whole blogging thing with ‘vim’ and now vim is dying. I am just being lazy and I
have to sit on my ass and be doing this more frequently or maybe because I am
sick? May John Evans Atta Mills rest in peace.
I went to a party on Friday and I realized something, before
I go my ‘realization’, I wouldn’t hesitate
to tell you all that I am not a night club person. Until I have something
serious to do there, I don’t go clubbing because of the smoke. It gets me sick
all the time and I’m talking about smoke from cigarettes. When I heard the
government had passed a law about 2 weeks ago to ban smoking in public places, I
was like ‘yes!!’… This is something that should have been enforced a long time
ago, I mean, I am not against smoking but don’t do it around people. Not everyone
out there smokes and I’m sure some who smoke don’t even want to inhale smoke
from others. Anyway, the government passed that law so no smoking in public
places, Amen to that.
I’m sure that ‘Amen’ wouldn’t work because people still
smoke in public places. I realized this when I went to the party on Friday. It was
so bad I had to leave there early. People were smoking left, right like there
was no law at all. Or I didn’t hear well or these people are not aware. Maybe the
club owner too is not aware. Yes the party was in a night club. I was so
confused so I asked a friend of mine who was smoking if he had heard about the
ban on smoking ‘thingy’, he pulled a puff, blew it in my face and was like, ‘yeah,
e be bad oo!!’ I think I know the problem here, it’s a funny one though but
still….i think people think the ‘public’ there means outside, like on the
streets etc. since you are in a building(night club) then it’s cool to smoke. What
other reason can I give here?
Please there is a ban on smoking in public so don’t do it,
and public here includes night clubs, pubs, lounges, schools, and everywhere
public. Smoke in your homes please. But I am wondering what the penalty is if
you are caught smoking in public? Jail term or just some small fine? Knowing these
people, this will be another avenue where small tips(bribes) will be given to
those who will be responsible to check that people don’t smoke in public. Hmmm!!!
Anyway, I promised to keep this post short. More vim to you and yours and remember
the dead in your prayers.